I’m a computer scientist interested in building on research to produce useful software with real-world applications. My research interest is in causality and its applications to predictive, generative and explanatory models. I have experience working for a small startup, a large financial institution, building software for research and a small business. I currently supervise students doing the Computer Science course at Cambridge University. I’m also a Fellow at King’s College, Cambridge.

Fancy a chat? api [at] apih [dot] co


May 2024

Computing women school outreach talk - Karen Spark Jones, tf-idf, and it's information theoretic interpretation [slides]

Panel discussion with graduate students Tina, Ceren and Alex [event page]

March 2024

School outreach talk - some ideas behind the internet [slides]

November 2023

Wednesday seminar talk: a brief intro to causality [slides]

Informal talk at the Kings CompSci thursday social on diffusion models [slides]

Summer 2023

Supervising Scott's Liar's Dice project [repo]

Supervising Sam's MothBot project with Gabriela [repo]

Small-group teaching


Introduction to graphics
Discrete mathematics
Algorithms 1
Algorithms 2
Machine learning and real-world data
Computer Networking
Introduction to Probability
Formal Models of Language


Introduction to graphics
Introduction to Computer Architecture
Algorithms 1
Algorithms 2
Computer Networking
Complexity theory
Formal models of language


Data Science
Introduction to Probability


Data Science
Introduction to Probability


Data Science
Introduction to Probability


Data Science
Introduction to Probability


Data Science